Tuesday, December 1, 2009

goGIRL of The Week- Kerrel McKay

This week's goGIRL is Kerrel Mckay. Twenty-Four year old Jamaican Aids activist is
a globally recognized youth leader. Kerrel speaks for UNICEF and has established a strong non-governmental group, the Portland Parish AIDS Committee Youth Group, in her homeland of Jamaica. However behind the smiles is the sad story of a young woman losing her father nine years ago to AIDS. Kerrel was nine years old when her mother told her that her father was HIV positive. With no initial understanding of the virus or the discrimination that would come along with it, Kerrel stood by her father and helped in any way she could.

Kerrel is committed to her message she frequented bars and clubs to spread sexual health education. Kerrel realizes that a “majority of all new infections are among young people,” and she emphasizes that “young people have a lot to contribute [in terms] of skills and creativity that can be harnessed in the response [to HIV/AIDS].” Kerrel stresses that “Young people are crucial in putting a stop to the growing epidemic that we now face.”

Kerrel’s voice now reaches beyond Jamaica to anyone with an Internet connection. She has recorded three audio diaries for UNICEF (the biggest supporter of Kerrel’s Committee Youth Group) in which she interviews Jamaicans concerning their beliefs about AIDS and sexual health. One man Kerrel interviewed—who works for an AIDS prevention program—notes the long-term effects of AIDS, which kills parents and “…leaves their children in a vulnerable situation, and the kids often become victims of crime, violence, drugs and prostitution.” Kerrel’s audio diaries give insight into Jamaican culture while simultaneously expressing the worldwide need for AIDS education and prevention.

This goGIRL is very inspiring, one of goGIRL's 10 commandments is to better me and my community, help Kerrel and Millions by visiting www.fightglobalaids.org. Today is World's Aids day get tested and Know your status! The AIDS epidemic’s is impact and overwhelming,stand up goGIRL's and "Be Unstoppable"!

Are you a girl on the go?
Do you know a good girl, going places?
Nominate yourself or someone else at gogirlent2009@gmail.com

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